Welcome to Belinda Adams' Genealogy Page.
I hope this page will help you in your search for your family past. I shall try to add links as I research my own family.
You will notice a lot of information missing from the genealogy site. I need to update and verify again, so am taking some things off for now while I do so. If you are interested in any certain surname you see listed, contact me and maybe I can help.
Information on the first ship to bring immigrants to Georgia, USA. And information about the Johan Jakob Hayr Sr.(John Jacob Heyer) Family. | The Ship Anne and The Heyer Family. | |
Trail of Tears & Indian Removal Info. |
Cemeteries of our ancestors. | |
John James Little and Annis Jane Elizabeth Loper Little | |
Dana Herbert Robbins and Edith May Deane Robbins | |
John Collins II & Sarah Amanda Shorey Marriage | |
Confederate Park in Waynesville, Georgia | |
R. S. Grave dedication of Jacob Highsmith | |
Remembering our ancestors on Memorial Day. | |
Jones Creek Baptist Church | |
John Stouten Howard Sr. | |
Our Kin in the Civil War | |
Maybe I can get some more done! | |
Our granddaughter in Heaven | |
Last updated: 9-2015