Welcome to Belinda Adams' Genealogy Page.

I hope this page will help you in your search for your family past. I shall try to add links as I research my own family.

You will notice a lot of information missing from the genealogy site. I need to update and verify again, so am taking some things off for now while I do so. If you are interested in any certain surname you see listed, contact me and maybe I can help.

Our Family Trees

Belinda's Favorite Genealogical Links

Information on the first ship to bring immigrants to Georgia, USA. And information about the Johan Jakob Hayr Sr.(John Jacob Heyer) Family.

The Ship Anne and The Heyer Family.
Trail of Tears & Indian Removal Info.

Cemeteries of our ancestors.

John James Little and Annis Jane Elizabeth Loper Little

Dana Herbert Robbins and Edith May Deane Robbins

John Collins II & Sarah Amanda Shorey Marriage

Confederate Park in Waynesville, Georgia

R. S. Grave dedication of Jacob Highsmith

Remembering our ancestors on Memorial Day.

Jones Creek Baptist Church

John Stouten Howard Sr.

Our Kin in the Civil War

Maybe I can get some more done!

Our granddaughter in Heaven

Belinda's Genealogical Links

I have been working on our family tree seriously for almost 8 years, but playing around with it for many years. I was blessed to have information given to me by people who had researched in the past, for both sides of our family. My husband's and mine. When I started in 2010, I started out with their information and Ancestry.com. After my subscription expired, and needing to take a break, I did so and rested, rejoining several times since then. But be careful with any online services.

Ideas for you to use for searching.

If you want to do more investigating, you can go to Cyndi's List Cyndi has been researching for lots of years and has many links for you to explore.

Last updated: 9-2015


We hope you enjoyed the information about geneaology and what I have dicovered.

Books by Belinda Jo Adams

Photos taken by Steve and Belinda Jo Adams